
Resources for performing Lovesong in Harvest 

It's particularly suited to a community-wide event and we've found it to be a good way of drawing people together. A full-scale production needs solo singers, choir, orchestra, dancers and narrator - and a suitable venue. However, it can be adapted to suit local needs - for example, it can be performed without the dance-drama and using a smaller group of instruments instead of a full orchestra. If you're interested in performing Lovesong in Harvest, we can provide resources such as orchestral score, instrumental and vocal parts and narrator's script. Please get in touch with us using the contact form on the menu at the top of this page.

Resources for learning more about the story of Ruth

Ruth: a Parable of the Kingdom by our friend Peter Lyne, is a very readable guide to the Book of Ruth. Drawing on his own lifetime of experience, Peter shows how Ruth's story contains wisdom for today. His final chapter includes an account of how we came to write Lovesong in Harvest.

Geoffrey Bull's book Love-song in harvest: an Interpretation of the Book of Ruth is something of a classic. I've included it here partly because it inspired the title of our own musical setting of the Book of Ruth.

Click the images for more details of these two contrasting books.