
Our special guests

We were very privileged that our lifelong friends Peter and Linda Lyne were able to join us in Stirling, Scotland - all the way from New Zealand - for the 40th anniversary performance of Lovesong in Harvest. Peter officiated at our wedding on 10 January 1976 so it was fitting that he also gave the epilogue on the occasion of our anniversary.

When we were students at Bristol University in the mid-1970s, Cora and I belonged to the church-group that met in Peter and Linda's home in Olveston, near Bristol. In our bible study, we had been exploring the Old Testament love story of Ruth and Boaz and thinking about its significance. Cora and I decided to create an interpretation of Ruth's story in music and dance-drama to be performed at our own wedding.

It has been performed many times since then, including London, Cobham, Bristol, Nailsea, Wellington New Zealand, and most recently at the wedding of our son and daughter-in-law in Moscow.

Peter is convinced (as are we) that the story of Ruth has important things to say in the the 21st century - so much so, that he has written a book about it: Ruth: a Parable of the Kingdom - a love story that changed the world

It's very readable and full of practical wisdom and insight - we warmly recommend it!  (Incidentally, the last chapter tells a bit more of our story and how Lovesong in Harvest came to be written.)

Peter and Linda's own remarkable story is told in Having Nothing yet Possessing Everything. Due to be published in Spring 2023, it makes challenging reading. The title comes from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians
(2 Corinthians 6:10).


See our 'Books' pages for more about Peter's book

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